Sunday 1 September 2013

About this blog

About this blog

This is a weblog for data, opinions, anecdotes, and remarkable facts from the Philosophy and History of Animal Science and other issues in the field of biomedical science.

My main interest at this moment is mastitis, the inflammation of the udder of ruminants (cows and goats mainly).

The history of mastitis may go as far back as  possible although the more exciting developments may take place after 1880.

The philosophy of mastitis may deal with everything that is concerned with questions of the reliability of biomedical knowledge of this disease and others and with the social influences on this knowledge. In the case of mastitis it may not be surprising that economy is one of those influences.

I hope the reader may find it interesting and will be challenged to send comments, other facts, data, anecdotes and opinions.

Rodin’s Penseur, contemplating the Lion of Androcles, is, of course, a parody of the Androclus logo of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University of which I was a member for a long time (Henk Halsema made the drawing).

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