Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The failing health of German vets

The edition of July 15, 1889 of the Receuils de Médécines Vétérinaires opens with  a reminder, by Edouard Nocard, secretary of the organizing comittee of the Vme Congrès International de Médécine Vétérinaire.

“We remind the readers of the Receuil that the international veterinary congress will have its meetings in the main building of the Societé de Géografie, 184 Boulevard Saint-Germain, from 2 to 8 september forthcoming.
Among the numerous veterinarians from abroad who have joined the congress no Germans are counted. The few German veterinarians that had made a registration directly in the beginning later declared themselves unable to come for reasons of health (sic) [italics in original text]. The real motive for this general absence most be looked for elsewhere. It seems that the catchword given to the whole of Germany has been not to participate in any international congress, scientific or otherwise, that will be held in Paris on the occurrence of the World Exhibition.
In relation to this follows here an example of the parlance that was used in the German veterinary journals:
 ‘We trust that our German colleagues refrain completely from participating in this congress; the actual circumstances, the place where it is held and the occasion to which it is connected are sufficient motives for allowing absence .. ‘ (Berliner Wochenschrift, april 1889).
Even if the German veterinarians do not participate in the congres, it is fortunately not the same with veterinarians from Switserland,  Belgium, England, Italy, Holland, Russia, Romania, etc.
The preceding congresses were brilliantly succesful; there is no need that, the systematic absence of the Germans notwithstanding, our congress will be inferior to these.”

It is clear that feelings of national pride prevailed over scientific interests. The actual circumstances in the German appeal cited by Nocard may have had to do with the commemoration of the French revolution and the rise of revanchist ideas in France in that year with regard to the outcome of Prussian-French war of 1870-71. In this sense it corresponds to the nationalistic sentiments in the controversy of the bacteriological schools of Koch and Pasteur.

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