At the end
of the 1970’s the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University decided
to introduce a course for first-year students that was called ‘animal
handling’. The idea behind this was that more and more students started a
veterinary training at the university who had no experience with such practical
handling of animals such as walking with a horse, holding a rabbit and catching
a chicken. Apparently, in the nineteenth century a similar problem was noticed
in England; a mister Robert Read, from Crediton, devoted several pages of The Veterinarian to help young
veterinarians who knew much but could little.1 This is the beginning
of the article:
anatomy and pathology of cattle and other domestic animals will not in itself
form the completion of the study.
The tyro
who steers from the College with a full share of the knowledge of the diseases
of cattle, and launches forth into country practice, will have to surmount many
obstacles ; more especially if he has not, in his younger days, been accustomed
either to agriculture or to the habits of every kind of stock. To the young
beginner or aspirant for country practice, who has scarcely, if ever, wandered
from the busy city or fashionable town, a few hints may not, I hope, prove
unwholesome. Opinions will be formed among farmers or their hinds as to your
merit or demerit in your profession — your being or not being apt in all the
mechanical operations belonging to cattle; therefore it behoves every young
man, under such circumstances, to learn the way to hold a bullock by the nose
and horns; to be able to cast him; how to take up his feet; how to head-rope
him; and, likewise, how to milk.”
Now comes a
part of the article that interested me very much because it has to do with my
main historical research topic, bovine mastitis. During my studies of the concept of bovine
mastitis during the first half of the nineteenth entury, I found many reports
about what we may call now the biomedical knowledge of the disease. This
concept may be summarized as: mastitis is a swelling of the udder, with blood
in the milk, followed in later stages by abcesses, induration and gangrene. The
cause is high milk production after calving, exposure to cold and holding up
the milk in the udder. Therapies are based on salt solutions and rubbing the
udder with oils and campher (among many others).
The problem
is that from these descriptions you can not decide on how mastitis was
experienced in the practice of the cattle farm. But now Robert Read in his
article in The Veterinarian lifted the veil a little bit when he explains why a
young vet should be able to milk a cow.
latter circumstance [i.e. milking a cow] will be required in every case of
udder-ill or mammitis, in order to ascertain the state of the secretion; for
should you attempt to handle the teat and not draw any milk, or go to the wrong
side of the cow, the milk-maid standing by, the laugh would be against you; and
the words to the mistress would be, " A pretty sort of a cow-doctor: he
didn't know the milking side of the cow."
mastitis seems to have been so common at cattle farms that it was appropriate
for vets to be able to milk the cow for a simple diagnostic test, i.e.
ascertaining the state of the secretion.
1. Robert
Read, On the pathology and general treatment of cattle. The Veterinarian, 16, 1843, 55-57
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